Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why global warming is NOT the result of human activities.

1. Solar Flares
Evidence of a link between solar flare activity and the earth's temperature has been the topic of much debate into the cause of global warming. The evidence shows that as solar activity increases earth’s temperature increases by way of emitted radiation from the sun outermost surface warming earth's atmosphere. The temperature of a solar flare is typically 10 or 20 million degrees Kelvin, and can be as high as 100 million degrees Kelvin. The frequency of solar flares coincides with the Sun's eleven year cycle. When the solar cycle is at a maximum, active regions increase and multiple solar flares can be detected. Therefore, rising temperatures on earth could not possibly be a result of human activities but rather excess radiation from increased solar flare activity. This evidence is yet another contribution to the ongoing data that supports global warming true cause.This strong link between solar flares and our climate has been established, and should override the theory of human influence affecting the temperature of Earth. Below is a graph outlining this phenomenon.

2. Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age
The climate warms, and the climate cools during the medieval warm period occurring from roughly 700-1300 AD, ALL evidence shows the Earth was actually warmer than it is now. During this time frame there was far less carbon released into the atmosphere by human activities than there is today, yet the summer temperatures were between 1 and 1.4 degrees higher back then they are today. Climate is notoriously fickle. A thousand years ago Europe was balmy and wine grapes grew in England; Later, the climate turned chilly during a period known as the Little Ice Age from roughly (1560-1830) in, which climate temperatures were lower than they are today. These facts pose an enormous question as to the validity of greenhouse effects on recent temperature/climate change. The current warming phase we are currently experiencing is just another natural phenomenon, and a passing occurrence.

 3. Anglia global warming scandal
Emails from scientists of the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (UEA) were hacked and posted online. The emails strongly suggest that the scientists are manipulating climate data and suppressing their critics. In addition, they have admitted to losing much of the raw temperature data on which their predictions of global warming are based. It means that other academics are not able to check basic calculations said to show a long-term rise in temperature over the past 150 years. The UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was forced to reveal the loss following requests for the data under Freedom of Information legislation. The data were gathered from weather stations around the world and then adjusted to take account of variables in the way they were collected. The admission follows the leaking of a thousand private emails sent and received by Professor Phil Jones, the CRU’s director. In them he discusses preventing climate skeptics seeking access to such data. In a statement on its website, the CRU said: “We do not hold the original raw data but only the value-added (quality controlled and homogenized) data.” The CRU is the world’s leading centre for reconstructing past climate and temperatures. Climate change skeptics have long been keen to examine exactly how its data were compiled and questioned the scientific methodology of the UEA procedures. That is now impossible.

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